Learn about how to be more polite in English instead of using I don't like it. It is very pivotal to speak to be more polite in English like other languages.
Polite advance English expressions
Learn about how to be more polite in English instead of using I don't like it. It is very pivotal to speak to be more polite in English like other languages. Lets switch towards other ways to say I don't like it which is the main theme of this article. When you will directly to refuse someone's proposal or gifts by few rude words such as I don't like it so this is informal and performing a role in hurting someone. The one should be be formal and refuse someone by exposing some excuses and alternatives of it. There are few one's which are describe below and try to read one by one and make the concept clear over them.You will find explanation in depth about each in depth along with examples.
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Stop staying I don't like it |
I am not interested
Take a start from the first one, here a person is refusing someone by above short phrase. Lets create a situation for this short phrase which is using in replace of I don't like it to make the concept clear in easy manner. A friend of someone is offering a proposal of playing hockey but in return his friend is refusing along with a phrase I am not interested in your offer to play cricket. In case It would cricket instead of hockey then definitely will enjoy and join your company.E.g. I am not interested to play hockey because cricket is my favorite game.
I don't appreciate it
E.g. I don't appreciate you to get a post in medicine company because you have done your master in agriculture economics.
I am not crazy about it
It means when someone is not really passionate about something there is substitute of it.
E.g. I am not crazy about to eat chicken in a restaurant over biryani.
A person in group of friends who are in the restaurant to take dinner is preferring biryani over to eat chicken. His statement should be like I am not crazy about to eat chicken instead of biryani because biryani is my favorite dish.
It's not for me
That would be better to speak it's not for me over i don't like it.
E.g. It's not for me to watch comedy movies, action movies are my favorite one's.
Brother ask from his sibling opinion after watching a comedy movie in theater. later his bro respond without hurting him yeah the movie was great and so funny but it is not for me because my favorite one's are action movies.
I am not big of fan of it
This is very polite phrase to dislike something without to be rude in English.
E.g. This red color shirt is so adorable but I am not a big fan of it due to blue color.
A person can use this phrase at a time of gift receiving from someone. Here in this situation politeness is very important. Because a person might brought a gift from the core of heart for him. Maybe his rude words can hurt the person. In case of above example the one is sharing his feeling about red color shirt without hurting and appraising him in most formal way.
I am not keen on cooking
This is another way to refuse someone in polite way without being rude in English.
E.g. I am not really keen on cooking.
After distribution of chores among friends on tour. And one guy is to hate cooking and not good at it. That guy respond in formal manner that I am not keen on cooking. Give me other work instead of cooking because you guys will dislike my dishes after cooking;don't have any idea about it and did not ever cook in my fast.
I am sick of
Another polite way to express feeling about I don't like it. This short phrase is also addressing towards lethargy.
E.g. I am sick of hearing the complain of my son who is not performing in his exams well.
In this above example a woman and mother of a child is exhausted about receiving complains of her child poor performance in exams. at that situation a woman came across with statement such as I am sick of....There she expressed her feeling about his child poor performance in formal way instead of being rude "I don't like it".
It does not do anything for me
This phrase is expressing feeling in replace of short and abrupt phrase I don't like it. But this resembles with a lot of expectation, unfortunately could not receive.
E.g. Burger does not do anything for me by avoiding pizza.
After taking the taste of burger guy does not feel happy because the burger taste's was delicious as much as he was expecting and respond, I wish I could eat pizza.
Hence, the one should avoid to be more rude in English. Apart from it that would be great to use some alternatives of it and stop saying I don't like it. And better to speak along with advance English vocabulary which need to be cause of attraction of audience.
Spoken English Corner